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Welcome to the Louisiana R-II School District!
We envision that each Louisiana R-II student will aspire to be a lifelong learner that prepares and plans for the future as they become productive and contributing members of society.

In order to reach our vision, Louisiana R-II will commit its time, energy, and resources to ensure an environment of academic, intellectual, social, and emotional growth, implemented through a comprehensive system of support, which allows all students to reach their full potential while instilling a sense of school and community pride.

Please visit individual school sites for more information about each building. 


Annual Performance Report Information:

The Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) has released the statewide Annual Performance Reports (APRs) for the 2023-24 school year. APRs demonstrate the progress local education agencies (LEAs) and individual buildings are making toward meeting the standards and indicators in the sixth version of the Missouri School Improvement Program (MSIP 6).

“The data shows that Missouri schools are meeting the more rigorous requirements and higher expectations set forth in MSIP 6,” said Commissioner of Education Karla Eslinger. “MSIP 6 takes a closer look at what districts are doing to implement effective practices and sustain improvements, while increasing the focus on individual student outcomes. We are seeing positive movement because of hard work at the local level.”

There are several key considerations when reviewing the 2024 APR data. Overall, APR scores are improving, with more than 86 percent of LEAs meeting or exceeding the expectations in MSIP 6. More than 60 percent of LEAs increased their APR score from 2023 to 2024.
The APR will not be used for classifying LEAs this year. This year’s APR includes a three-year composite score in addition to the single year of data from the 2023-24 school year.
This release includes the first draft of an alternate APR for the 20 LEAs participating in a State School Innovation Waiver with the Success-Ready Students Network (SRSN), which will help inform the design of future iterations of MSIP. 

MSIP is the state’s system for reviewing and accrediting/classifying LEAs. It outlines expectations for school practices and student outcomes, with the goal of each student graduating ready for success in college, career, and life. 
In addition to a single-year APR report, beginning in 2024, the MSIP 6 APR will also include a composite score with three years of APR data. DESE will use composite scores to inform classification recommendations, as these are more stable measures and less susceptible to extreme changes from year to year. Single-year APR reports will continue to be produced to allow for earlier identification of trends.

Step-by-step instructions on accessing the 2024 APR data are available to help users navigate the different viewing options for the report. Additional resources can be found on DESE’s MSIP 6 webpage.

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Central Office
Phone: 573-754-4261
Fax: 573-754-4319

Louisiana Elementary School
Phone: 573-754-6904
Fax: 573-754-3122

Louisiana Middle School
Phone: 573-754-5340
Fax: 573-754-5377

Louisiana High School
Phone: 573-754-6181
Fax: 573-754-5964